Corporate Compliance

Request Corporate Account Information

Many organizations prefer to have a corporate account.  We can provide a registration code which allows an employee to bypass the payment process.  Employees can enroll with no immediate cost to them.  An itemized usage report along with an invoice is sent to the corporation.   Billing is based on the number of employees who have taken the course during the billing cycle.

For further information regarding our Corporate Compliance account program.  Please fill out the form below and we will contact you.

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Certification Partner for Business

Compliance made easy

Certified2Serve offers a quick and easy way for your business to comply with employee certification requirements in Texas.

  • Code-based student enrollment
  • All-online training and certification
  • Fast TABC Seller/Server certification reporting
  • Priority customer support
  • Clear monthly billing 

“Certified2Serve has been a terrific organization to work with. The website is easy to maneuver and the certification training is comprehensive and certainly checks all the boxes!

In addition, they make it stress-free for those taking the course by allowing them to work at their own pace. Certificates are issued immediately after successful completion which makes it easy to keep track of employee compliance.

I recommend Certified2Serve to meet your certification requirements.”

Prasek's Family Smokehouse logo

Laurie C.
Administrative Assistant
Prasek’s Family Smokehouse